Day 3

Thurs July 30
Times are EST

Each speaker will take a much more personal, deeper dive into their topic from a real-world perspective and application. Each breakout group will encourage more in-depth questions and strategies for implementing the system into your business.

By purchasing the All Access Pass, you will be able to attend up to 3 live breakout sessions on Day 3. You will also have access to ALL 7 Breakout Sessions for 30 days post-conference to watch any breakout sessions you weren't able to attend live!

Session 1

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

Session 2

1:30 pm - 2:45 pm

Session 3

3:00 pm - 4:15 pm

Marc Cunningham

A Health Check-Up For Your Business

Matthew Whitaker

gkhouses' Step by Step Guide to Hiring A-Players

Sarah Laidler

Tenants, Owners, Vendors - Must Have Agreements

Jeremy Pound

Ensuring Automatic Growth Through Systems

Steve Murray

Calculating and Increasing Your Company Value

Alexandra Goldthwaite

Custom Tools and Templates for Success

Brian Birdy

Designing Your Plan for Increased Income